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Ejercicios resueltos True or false
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True or false


Mobile phones in social life - True or False

Mobile phones in social life - True or False

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answerphone, imposing, switch them off, appeal, call

Ten years ago, everybody was getting home after work to a fixed answerphone and nobody ever left a message. Now, everywhere you look -on trains, on buses, in shopping centres, in restaurants, at wedding receptions- what a miracle! What a transformation! So many happy people talking away into their mobile phones. Connected at last!

However, on some social occasions, from just a meeting of two friends to a funeral, mobile phones can be the enemy. They mean that people are not joining in, they're imposing, they're disrupting. It would have been better if they'd brought a book with them, which they could get on with quietly in a corner. SWITCH THEM OFF. Liberate yourself. The missed call won't be someone saying your house has burnt down. If you can't control yourself, "check" your phone out of sight of the others, in the toilets perhaps.

It's perfectly obvious -but how often does it happen?- if you really have to either make or receive an urgent call during a social occasion, you should explain the situation to the others at the outset. When the time comes, remove yourself from the scene to deal with the call. Whatever you do, apologise.

And now, here is an appeal to the good, too-silent majority. Don't put up with it. Don't suffer in silence. If you come across some rude mobile phone addicts, don't hesitate to interrupt and ask them to move away, to switch off. If they are passengers in your car, stop, ask them to get out, especially if it's raining.

Are the following statements TRUE or FALSE? Copy the evidence from the text. No marks are given for only TRUE or FALSE.

Nowadays, a lot of people seem to enjoy using the mobile phone

The text suggests that it is advisable to inform the other members of the group when you are expecting an important call

Explicación: Para la primera afirmación el parrafo relevante es:

"So many happy people talking away into their mobile phones" destacar parrafo

La afirmación es verdadera ya que el texto habla de toda esa gente feliz que habla por sus teléfonos móviles, es decir, que disfrutan usándolo (enjoy using the mobile phone).

Mientras que para la segunda es:

"...if you really have to either make or receive an urgent call during a social occasion, you should explain the situation to the others at the outset." destacar parrafo

La afirmación es verdadera ya que el texto nos aconseja que durante una situación social en la que esperemos una llamada urgente, informemos a nuestros acompañantes al comienzo del evento (explain the situation to the others at the outset)

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