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Ejercicios resueltos True or false
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True or false


The Travels of Marco Polo - True or false

The Travels of Marco Polo - True or false

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conceived, journey, empire, account, statesman, wisely, fairytales, travellers, customs

The Travels of Marco Polo was a book conceived in a prison cell in Genoa (Italy) in 1298. A few years earlier, in 1292, after a twenty-four year journey, Polo had returned to the West from Kublai Khan's Eastern empire. Polo' s book was an account of this vast empire having a stage of civilization far more advanced than anything Europeans could imagine.

In medieval times Europe was plagued by inept and corrupt leaders, misguided Crusades, the Black Death, hunger and lack of hygiene. To this grim reality, Polo introduced Kublai Khan, a model statesman who presided wisely over a huge empire with fantastic cities, advanced technology and transportation systems. This was a place where everything that Europe did not have and greedily desired could be found. However, many people questioned the authenticity of Polo' s accounts and even took them to be fairytales. But much of what Polo wrote, regarded with suspicion in medieval times, was confirmed by travellers of the 18th and 19th centuries, and most of the detail has since been corroborated by historians and geographers.

Fiction or not, Polo's book has captured readers for centuries. Although its author received little recognition in life, he was capable of comprehending cultures completely alien to his own. Today no one can fail to appreciate the book's celebration of the heterogeneity of nature, geography and, above all, people. Races are differentiated but not denigrated and the customs of different cultures are met with enthusiastic curiosity, not with the prejudice prevalent in Europe at that time.

Are the following statements TRUE or FALSE? Copy the evidence from the text. No marks are given for only TRUE or FALSE.

Marco Polo wrote his book during his famous journey to the East

Experts have proved that all the information included in Polo´s book was invented

Explicación: Para la primera afirmación el párrafo relevante es:

"The Travels of Marco Polo was a book conceived in a prison cell in Geona (Italy) in 1298..." destacar parrafo

La afirmación es falsa ya que Marco Polo escribió su libro en 1298, seis años después de su viaje a Oriente. Esta información la leemos en la frase siguiente, que nos explica que Marco Polo regresó del imperio del Kublai Khan en 1292, tras permanecer en Oriente veinticuatro años.

Mientras que para la segunda es:

"But much of what Polo wrote, regarded with suspicion in medieval times, was confirmed by travellers of the 18th and 19th centuries, and most of the detail has since been corroborated by historians and geographers" destacar parrafo

La afirmación es falsa ya que mucho de lo que Marco Polo escribió ha sido corroborado no sólo por futuros viajeros sino también por historiadores y geógrafos. Aún y así, el texto explica que en la época medieval sí se creía que Marco Polo podía haber inventado sus relatos.

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