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Ejercicios resueltos True or false
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True or false


American obesity problem - True or False

American obesity problem - True or False

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disease, overweight, current, weight, lead, vending machines, meals, unhealthy, healthy

"The U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention estimated that about six out of ten Americans were Esther overweight or obese. Furthermore, the prevalence of obesity almost doubled from about 15 percent in 1980 to 27 percent in 1999. Dr. J. McGinnis said the current weight statistics predict future problems. "Obesity now will lead to a higher number of deaths from diabetes, heart disease, stroke and certain types of cancer, and increased prevalence of osteoarthritis."

The CDC noted that most schools have vending machines or snack bars including foods that are largely nutrientpoor and calorie-rich. People are also less likely to cook for themselves these days. Roughly half of all meals are consumed outside the home and many of these are from fast foods. “We have become year-by-year an increasingly sedentary society," McGinnis said. "People used to enjoy walking a half-mile or a quarter-mile but now they take the car to go across the street. And instead of walking or playing sports during free time, children sit in front of the TV or computer. These are unhealthy habits because their muscles are not moving and transportation has become so easy that children are driven everywhere."

So educating the public about healthy nutrition and exercise is essential, the experts said. Healthy foods and more intense physical activity in schools are also important.

Are the following statements TRUE or FALSE? Copy the evidence from the text. No marks are given for only TRUE or FALSE. (?)

More than half of the American population has overweight problems

There is a tendency to avoid cooking nowadays

Most meals are consumed outside the home

According to the experts, the physical activity program in American schools is appropriate for the obesity problem

Explicación: Para la primera afirmación el párrafo relevante es:

"The U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention estimated that about six out of ten Americans were either overweight or obese..." destacar parrafo

La afirmación es verdadera ya que según el Centro Americano de Control y Prevención de Enfermedades, seis de cada diez americanos tienen sobrepeso o bien están obesos. Esto es, más de la mitad de la población tiene problemas de sobrepeso.

Mientras que para la segunda es:

"People are also less likely to cook for themselves these days" destacar parrafo

Una de las causas de la mala nutrición de los americanos según el texto es que las familias suelen hacer menos comidas caseras y salir más a cenar fuera.

Y para la tercera:

"Roughly half of all meals are consumed outside the home and many of these are from fast foods" destacar parrafo

Según el CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention) apróximadamente (roughly) la mitad de las comidas se hacen fuera de casa, y no la mayoría como se afirma aquí.

Y para la cuarta:

"Healthy foods and more intense physical activity in schools are also important" destacar parrafo

El actual programa de actividad física en las escuelas americanas no es apropiado ni suficiente ya que el texto afirma que es importante aumentar la actividad física en los colegios para acabar con el sedentarismo.

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