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Ejercicios resueltos Short Compositions
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Short Compositions


Describe what you can do at home and in your town to protect the environment.

Describe what you can do at home and in your town to protect the environment.

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become extinct, looms over, hugely, has been addressed, mere


  • Tormenta de ideas: piensa en vocabulario relacionado con este tema: environment, recycle, save, rubbish, paper, electricity, water, plant, protect, pollution...
  • Organiza las ideas:
    1. presentar el tema del que se va a escribir.
    2. medidas que se pueden tomar en casa.
    3. medidas que se pueden tomar en la ciudad en la que vives.
    4. conclusión: por qué es importante cuidar del medio ambiente.
  • Divide las ideas en párrafos.
  • Utiliza expresiones para organizar, relacionar o añadir ideas: in addition, first, therefore, furthermore...

Write about 100 to 150 words in the following topic: Describe what you can do at home and in your town to protect the environment.

Problems such as global warming make us worry about the way we are taking care of the environment. Not only governments are responsible, we can also take measures to protect the environment.

There are easy-to-do things that we can do at home. We should save water by taking showers instead of baths. Keeping the water running when we brush our teeth or shave is something we should avoid doing. Moreover, there are also things we can do every day to save electricity. For example, we can turn the lights off whenever we leave a room and use compact fluorescent light bulbs, which use less electricity than other bulbs.

In our town, there are recycling bins that we should use to recycle our paper, glass and plastic rubbish. Keeping the parks clean and using public transport is also essential to reduce pollution.

In short, protecting the environment is a task that we should all be involved in.

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