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Ejercicios resueltos Short Compositions
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Short Compositions


Spending money on saving animals. Give your opinion.

Spending money on saving animals. Give your opinion.

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become extinct, looms over, hugely, has been addressed, mere


  • Tormenta de ideas: piensa en vocabulario relacionado con este tema: endangered animals, measures, species, extinction, prevent...
  • Organiza las ideas de acuerdo con una carta en la que se presenta tu opinión personal:
    1. presenta el tema y tu opinión sobre él (en primera persona).
    2. defiende tu opinión con argumentos.
    3. conclusión.
  • Divide las ideas en párrafos.
  • Utiliza expresiones para organizar, relacionar o añadir ideas: however, to begin with, in addition...

Write about 100 to 150 words in the following topic: After this text on South American wild cats was published, many readers wrote to the editor of the paper, defending or disagreeing with spending money on saving animals in that region. Give your opinion on the topic.

It is not unusual nowadays to hear of the extinction, or the danger to become extinct, of some animal species due to changes in the climate and to the powerful and sometimes merciless human action.

I was extremely glad when I read that measures were being taken to prevent the extinction of wild cats. They have been part of the fauna of the continent for centuries and so they are essential in the life cycle. I am sure we will not regret any money investment that we make in the protection of animals, and therefore in the environment, and future generations will thank us for it.

Finally, I would like to encourage other groups of scientists to carry out similar measures in our country, where national species such as donkeys or the lynx have now become endangered animals.

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