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Ejercicios resueltos Short Compositions
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Short Compositions


Do you think our planet is experiencing a climate change? Why?

Do you think our planet is experiencing a climate change? Why?

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threats, widespread, ill-treating, will take place


  • Tormenta de ideas: piensa en vocabulario relacionado con este tema: environment, pollution, global warming, consequences...
  • Organiza las ideas teniendo en cuenta que la redacción debe expresar tu opinión personal.
  • Comienza presentando el tema del que vas a escribir y tu opinión sobre él (responde a la pregunta: Do you think our planet is experiencing a climate change?)
  • Divide las ideas en párrafos.
  • Conclusión: incluye posibles medidas para frenar el cambio climático o una predicción acerca del futuro
  • Utiliza expresiones para organizar, relacionar o añadir ideas: in addition, first, therefore, furthermore, I strongly believe, I think...

Write about 100 to 150 words in the following topic: Do you think our planet is experiencing a climate change? Why?

Climate change is one of the greatest environmental threats facing the planet. I think that the Earth is definitely experiencing a climate change and that human action is mostly responsible for it.

We only need to take a look at newspapers to read about the consequences of global warming on Earth. Increases in ocean temperature and the Earth´s surface temperature, widespread melting of snow and ice, and the rising of sea level are some of the pieces of evidence regarding climate change. In my opinion, we should not be surprised by these effects because we are badly ill-treating our planet by deforestation, the use of aerosols, or the burning of fossil fuels.

To conclude, I strongly believe that irreversible catastrophic changes will take place if individual and state measures are not taken soon.

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