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Ejercicios resueltos Short Compositions
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Short Compositions


Write about a ghost story you are familiar with.

Write about a ghost story you are familiar with.

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creepy, eerie, suitor, chased, smashed pumpkin, haunting


  • Tormenta de ideas: piensa en vocabulario relacionado con este tema: creepy, eerie, haunting, legend...
  • Comienza presentando la historia que vas a relatar
  • Organiza la narración de la historia siguiendo un orden cronológico
  • Conclusión: puedes comentar por qué te gusta esa historia o cómo llegaste a conocerla.
  • Divide las ideas en párrafos.
  • Utiliza expresiones para organizar, relacionar o añadir ideas: in the first place, at the end, next...

Write about 100 to 150 words in the following topic: Write about a ghost story you are familiar with.

I am going to write about the Legend of Sleepy Hollow, a creepy story with eerie characters. The legend takes place in a village, where a schoolteacher, Ichabod, falls in love with the beautiful Katrina. However, he is not her only suitor and the troublemaker Brom Bones is also after her.

At a party, Brom Bones tells the story of the headless horseman, who hunted the graveyard at night. On his way home, Ichabod is chased by the headless horseman who throws his head at him. The next morning no one finds Ichabod. They went to search for him but all they found was his hat and a smashed pumpkin.

I read this story years ago and I liked it so much that when the film came out I was excited and went to see it. And even though there are many differences between the film and the book, it still is a haunting story.

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