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Ejercicios resueltos Short Compositions
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Short Compositions


How can winning a prize affect people´s lives?

How can winning a prize affect people´s lives?

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lottery, money, wealth, luxurious, spend


  • Tormenta de ideas: piensa en vocabulario relacionado con este tema: lottery, money, wealth, luxurious, spend...
  • Comienza presentando el tema del que vas a escribir
  • Responde a la pregunta con ejemplos y situaciones posibles
  • Conclusión: resume tus ideas
  • Divide las ideas en párrafos.
  • Utiliza expresiones para organizar, relacionar o añadir ideas: however, at first, on the whole...

Write about 100 to 150 words in the following topic: How can winning a prize affect people´s lives?

When Christmas gets near, we all run to buy our lottery tickets in the hope that some day the first prize changes us our lives. However, do we really know how it would affect our lives?

At first thought, we all know what we would do with a millionaire prize. We would spend some of the money in a big expensive car, maybe two. We would, of course, buy a luxurious house in the city and one in the seaside. We would travel to all the places we have always wanted to visit: China, the Caribbean, Canada, Egypt...

These seem small changes that would just make our lives more pleasant. But would we change friends if we moved to the wealthy, fashionable neighbourhoods? Would we stop working because we have more than money enough to spend in a lifetime?

On the whole, I think that even though a large money prize may blind us for a while, common sense will make us turn back to normal.

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