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Ejercicios resueltos Short Compositions
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Short Compositions


Some people believe that children under the age of 13 should not have mobile phones. What do you think?

Some people believe that children under the age of 13 should not have mobile phones. What do you think?

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in addition, first, therefore, furthermore, I strongly believe, I think...


  • Tormenta de ideas: piensa en vocabulario relacionado con este tema: mobile phones; teenagers, forbid, harmful, useless, text messages...
  • Organiza las ideas teniendo en cuenta que la redacción debe expresar tu opinión personal.
  • Comienza presentando el tema del que vas a escribir y tu opinión sobre él (responde a la pregunta: What do you think?
  • Conclusión: refuerza tu opinión con un argumento final.
  • Divide las ideas en párrafos.
  • Utiliza expresiones para organizar,relacionar o añadir ideas y para presentar tu opinión personal: in addition, first, therefore, furthermore, I strongly believe, I think...

Write about 100 to 150 words in the following topic: Some people believe that children under the age of 13 should not have mobile phones. What do you think? Discuss.

It seems that we cannot live without our mobile phones nowadays, and this dependence also extends to children. Many people think that the use of mobile phones by young children may be negative, and this is also my opinion.

I agree that there are some cases in which children can take advantage of a phone, but on most occasions, their having one is useless and even harmful. Mobile phones can be useful when they go to a summer camp or when going out with friends. However, children do not only use mobile phones on these special occasions, they use them without limits. Children mostly use them at school or at home to send endless text messages, surf the net, or watch videos.

We have seen how much harm mobile phones can do when used to record bullying scenes. So then, shouldn´t parents limit their use until children are responsible and mature enough to use them?

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