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The integration of children with learning difficulties at school

The integration of children with learning difficulties at school

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faced, interact, acquire, classmates, develop, isolated, reluctant, anxiety, provide, needs, solve


  • Tormenta de ideas: piensa en vocabulario relacionado con este tema: learning problems, classmates, develop, interact, needs.
  • Empieza por indicar los problemas que los niños con dificultades de aprendizaje pueden encontrarse
  • Divide las ideas en párrafos
  • Puedes proponer medidas para su integración en el entorno escolar
  • Utiliza expresiones para organizar ideas y para expresar tu opinión personal: I think, However, In the first place...

Write about 100 to 150 words in the following topic: The integration of children with learning difficulties at school. Discuss

The integration of children with learning problems at school is one of the main problems faced by teachers and parents. Not only do families wish their children to acquire knowledge, but they also want them to interact with their classmates, to have friends and play with them, to develop both academically and socially, to be happy.

However, once in class, this is not always easy. Children with learning problems are often isolated by their classmates and have difficulties in finding friends. Children are sometimes reluctant to accept someone new in their group, which can cause anxiety and frustration in the child.

I think teachers can help in many ways. In the first place, they should provide adapted teaching material taking into account the student´s needs. Secondly, teachers should keep a close eye on problematic situations inside the classroom and use effective strategies to solve these situations.

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