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Ejercicios resueltos Short Compositions
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Short Compositions


Do you ever buy things that you don't need?

Do you ever buy things that you don't need?

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throughout, purchase, items, shop windows, sales, season, overspending, indulge, enjoy


  • Empieza por responder a la pregunta: ¿alguna vez compras cosas que no necesitas?
  • Piensa en cosas que has comprado aunque no necesitases y explica por qué lo has hecho.
  • Brainstorming: piensa en vocabulario relacionado con el tema de las compras: buy, purchase, items, department store, shop windows, sales, price, cheap, expensive...
  • Puedes dar una conclusión final basándote en los contenidos del texto que has leído.

Write about 100 to 150 words in the following topic: Do you ever buy things that you don´t need? Why?

I must admit that I sometimes buy things that I do not need but, who doesn´t? Generally and throughout the year, I only purchase those items that I need, but when summer arrives and the shop windows are invaded with the "sales" signs, I cannot help but go shopping for clothes with my friends.

And it is true that I do not need many of the things that I buy during sales season but I think that temptation is hard to resist when you see a beautiful skirt or blouse half the price that it used to cost.

On the whole, I think that overspending is a mistake, but it does not hurt to indulge oneself every now and then in buying something you do not need but you can enjoy.

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