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Ejercicios resueltos Short Compositions
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Short Compositions


Do you think parents should control the number of hours their children watch TV?

Do you think parents should control the number of hours their children watch TV?

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mainly, development, balanced, choice, spend


  • Empieza por responder a la pregunta: "¿Crees que los padres deberían controlar el número de horas que sus hijos ven la televisión?"
  • Proporciona argumentos a favor de tu opinión.
  • Introduce tu opinión con expresiones como: I think, I believe, I agree with the fact that...
  • Escribe una conclusión final con un resumen de tus argumentos o una predicción sobre lo que pasará en un futuro.

Write about 100 to 150 words in the following topic: Do you think parents should control the number of hours their children watch TV?

I believe that parents are mainly responsible for the development and education of their children, so I think that it is absolutely necessary for parents to control the number of hours their children watch TV.

In the same way that parents make sure that their children´s diet is balanced, so they should also control the quality and quantity of the television programmes that they watch. If this choice was left to children, I am sure that they would watch television in excess, even to the point of leaving aside friends, homework and other activities which are essential for their own personal development.

To conclude, we know that children spend more hours in front of the television set now than they used to do, and so we should ask ourselves if we are doing them a favour by letting them decide how much television they want to watch.

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