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Ejercicios resueltos Short Compositions
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Short Compositions


What alternatives can the Government offer young people to encourage a healthy life?

What alternatives can the Government offer young people to encourage a healthy life?

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counteracted, nowadays, pocket money, councils, youth, indoor area, free of alcohol


  • Introduce el tema del que vas a hablar: "¿qué alternativas puede ofrecer el gobierno para que los jóvenes lleven una vida más saludable?"
  • Escribe ideas que puedan servir como entretenimiento para los jóvenes.
  • Explica por qué estás ideas son saludables.
  • Ordena tus ideas en párrafos.

Write about 100 to 150 words in the following topic: What alternatives can the Government offer young people to encourage a healthy life?

Many young people spend their weekends with friends and alcohol but this tendency could be counteracted if governments offered healthier alternatives. Nowadays, it is more expensive for teenagers to go to the cinema than to spend their pocket money on alcohol and drink it in the streets.

I think it would be a good idea if city councils created weekend clubs so the youth could join them depending on their hobbies. In this way, there could be music clubs, drama clubs, sports clubs, etc.

In addition, every city council should offer the youth a large indoor area where they could spend the time on different activities like watching films, playing table games, dancing, etc. A place where they could eat and have drinks free of alcohol.

To conclude, I believe that teenagers would appreciate having more entertainment alternatives.

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