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Ejercicios resueltos Short Compositions
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Short Compositions


Do you think animals really have emotional lives like humans? Discuss

Do you think animals really have emotional lives like humans? Discuss

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Animals, earthworm, chimpanzee, intelligence, emotions


  • Explain differences in the animal world
  • Give examples of different kinds of animal behaviour
  • How is this behaviour compared to human´s behaviour?
  • Express your own personal opinion.

En este apartado tienes que tratar de utilizar expresiones y vocabulario variado.

Write about 100 to 150 words in the following topic: Do you think animals really have emotional lives like humans? Discuss.

First of all it is necessary to differentiate among the different classes of animals as some are much more primitive creatures than others. For example there is no ground for comparison between the earthworm and the chimpanzee.

I think it would be very difficult to prove that the earthworm has an emotional life similar to man. On the other hand, more superior creatures, such as apes or dolphins, show an emotional activity expressing anger, happiness and curiosity which are all very similar to many emotions revealed by human beings.

To conclude, I believe that the more intelligent the animal is, the more it is able to show emotions. An example of this is the dog, which is happy to see you when you come home.

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