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Ejercicios resueltos Short Compositions
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Short Compositions


What are your favourite TV programmes? Describe them and explain why you like them

What are your favourite TV programmes? Describe them and explain why you like them

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Television, programmes, films, artistic skills


  • Express your personal opinion about TV
  • Name some of your favourite programmes
  • Give reasons why you enjoy them
  • Conclude with your personal opinion about a particular program.

En este apartado tienes que tratar de utilizar expresiones y vocabulario variado.

Write about 100 to 150 words in the following topic: What are your favourite TV programmes? Describe them and explain why you like them.

I am not particularly keen on watching TV, as in my opinion, not many TV programmes are worth watching but unfortunately the good ones end very late at night. As I often have to get up very early I prefer not to watch those films which finish very late, however good they may be.

"Operación Triunfo" and "Mira quien baila" are some of the programmes that I usually watch. They both have something in common: they are both about acquiring artistic skills through effort and hard work. The difference between these programmes is the way they end. In the first programme the winners donate the prize money to a NGO. In the second programme the winners are offered a recording contract.

In conclusion, these programmes are family orientated. The presenters and contestants in both programmes are friendly and funny, so enjoyment is guaranteed. I really enjoy watching the dancing and listening to the songs.

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